Electric utility people don’t use the words ‘good’ and ‘reliable’ lightly. We just don’t throw those words around very often. But with Survalent, it’s well-deserved.
The Challenge
Central Georgia EMC (CGEMC) needed to upgrade their antiquated SCADA to a flexible, scalable, and customizable ADMS platform to reduce operational costs, improve network reliability, and minimize outage downtime for customers. Thanks to the region’s constant affliction by storms and high winds, customer outages were at an unacceptable level. After analyzing the outage durations and restoration solutions of its peers, CGEMC decided that it needed to implement a centralized Fault Location, Isolation and Service Restoration (FLISR) solution to automatically reroute power in the event of an outage. CGEMC thus sought a platform that delivered user-friendly SCADA with robust functionality, as well as advanced distribution management systems capabilities, including FLISR.
The Solution
CGEMC chose the Windows-based Survalent platform for its flexibility, ease of implementation, and rich functionality that they felt offered the utility the best value. The switch to SurvalentONE SCADA was seamless and users were able to get acclimated with the new system quickly.
After adopting SurvalentONE FLISR, CGEMC has cut its outage time in half and eliminated most of the manual restoration operations of the past. “We now spend about 20% less time repairing outages, which has improved productivity and reduced overtime costs.”
CGEMC’s Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI) fell by 32% in the first year. Their System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) decreased from 130 minutes to 65.8 minutes within 2 years.

Central Georgia Electric Membership Corporation (CGEMC) is a non-profit electric cooperative based in Jackson, Georgia. The cooperative serves the needs of parts of 14 counties ranging from south suburban Atlanta to the northern edge of Macon which include dense suburban and rural areas. CGEMC is responsible for the safe, reliable delivery of electricity to more than 55,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers