We’re confident that the savings we’ve achieved with SurvalentONE DVR have paid for the installation of our entire SCADA system. Now the utility can monitor everything — currents, voltages, status of breakers — from a single software suite. Field crews can focus on doing line work instead of running out to change a setting at a substation.
The Challenge
After updating their distribution network with advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and a high-speed fiber optic communication network to its substations, Consolidated Electric was looking to implement a SCADA solution with comprehensive voltage regulation capabilities. The objective was to introduce further network improvements and incrementally increase operational efficiency.
The utility was manually monitoring and controlling its network at the substations, and regulating voltages as needed. Whenever the utility received a peak alert, they had to dispatch field crew to lower the voltage at each substation; and then return to restore the voltage to its normal setting after the alert was over. As a result, the utility was seeking a centralized SCADA with comprehensive voltage regulation capabilities.
The Solution
After an exhaustive review of solutions from three ADMS vendors, Consolidated Electric determined that SurvalentONE SCADA, coupled with SurvalentONE Dynamic Voltage Regulation (DVR), was the best choice. They tied their AMI system directly to SurvalentONE DVR to poll meters and bring end-of-line voltage readings into the system to accurately adjust the voltage at either the feeder or bus level.
With SurvalentONE DVR running continuously, unattended, the utility is able to level off their demand curve and conserve energy throughout the 24-hour cycle of each day, not just during peak periods. In the first three years, Consolidated Electric developed confidence in their new voltage regulation system and is assessing distribution automation as their next step.

Consolidated Electric Cooperative is a member-owned electric utility located several miles north of Columbus, Ohio. One of 24 electric cooperatives in the state and a participant in the wholesale electricity market managed by PJM Interconnection, the utility delivers electricity to 17,000 meters across eight counties