As the demand for always-on power increases, utilities are facing the very real challenge of ensuring continuous power in times of frequent disruptions such as intermittent supply and severe weather conditions. Therefore, it is critical for utilities to mitigate and minimize the impact of disruptions and prevent expensive network downtime.
To do this, they need to be able to anticipate how their grid will react to faults and unanticipated loss of voltage (LOV).
In other words, utilities need clear insights into expected network behavior to develop effective contingency plans for a variety of outage scenarios – thus enabling them to proactively optimize the network ahead of a Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restoration (FLISR)/LOV event.
SurvalentONE Distribution Contingency Analysis (DCA) is an industry-leading software that empowers utilities to proactively evaluate available contingencies for effective FLISR/LOV recovery.
SurvalentONE DCA automatically alerts operators when backup options are not available, so they can proactively rebalance the load in the network. It also provides detailed switch orders that operators can implement in the event of an outage, if FLISR is not running in that area.
With SurvalentONE DCA, utilities can increase awareness of grid restoration capacity, create a contingency plan for any event, and minimize downtime after a FLISR/LOV event. SurvalentONE DCA enables continuous, automatic grid monitoring at user-defined intervals – and also on demand. All analyses performed by the DCA engine are based on the current network state.
With detailed, data-driven insights into network capacity for power restoration, operators can proactively develop effective outage contingency plans and tune the network to maximize the benefits of FLISR and LOV software – thus leading to minimized outage impact (extent as well as duration) and significant time and cost savings.