Automatic Generation Control
Automatic Generation Control (ACG) is a feedback control system that regulates the power output of electric generators within your control area so as to maintain scheduled system frequency and/or power interchange within predetermined limits.
Control Panel
Survalent’s Control Panel allows you have an actual IED represented by an image of the IED’s front panel. The dynamic elements display current values of the points in the IED, and allows the user to issue controls and set-points.
Database Transcription
For bi-directional transcribing of SCADA data into relational databases. Supports Microsoft Access, SQL Server, Sybase, and Oracle, and transcribes current values, historical data, operation messages (including alarms), and event logs (including SOE).
Disturbance Capture
The Disturbance Capture application monitors changes to all analog and status points periodically, defines events that trigger disturbance data captures, monitors disturbance triggers and generates disturbance capture files.
Excel Add-in
The Excel Add-In application makes for a quick and efficient interface between the SCADA database and MS Excel, so reports, graphs, and queries can be easily created. Real-time point data (status and analog) as well as historical information are available through the Excel Add-In application.
Fault Data Recorder
Fault Data Recorder program is used to upload and record fault data from SEL relays and consists of a Fault Recorder editor and an executive program. The editor allows the user to identify fault data points as well as other points and parameters that are involved in the process of retrieving the fault data.
IED Wizard
The IED Wizard is a tool that automates the creation of the database points for supported IEDs. Users have the ability create their own templates, or use one of the existing templates.
Alarm Suppression
Alarm Suppression allows a defined hierarchy of primary/secondary alarm point relationships. These relationships may be used for either alarm suppression or group acknowledgement, or both.
Operations & Outage Accounting
The Operations and Outage Accounting function is based on the Event Data Recording facility which records all status changes and control operations in an event data file (retains events for up to 30 days). Operations and outage reports can be produced.
The STC Replicator is a client/server application that provides real-time data replication of the ADMS database to a SQL Server database residing in a demilitarized zone (DMZ). Historical data sets can also be replicated, so corporate users have access to near-real-time and historical data.
Virtual RTU
The Virtual RTU application allows for quick and easy setup of a virtual device that can be polled by another master station via DNP3.0 or Modbus protocol. This is a great alternative to ICCP for sharing data between two SCADA master stations.