When it comes to distribution networks, utilities need greater situational awareness and network insight, especially during major events. From control room operators to field crew, knowing the status of line sections at-a-glance can make the difference between safe and unsafe operations.
SurvalentONE Topology Processor enables faster restoration by quickly identifying the circuits that are connected to each feeder and displaying the energized or de-energized status of line sections. The network topology data is displayed in SmartVU, making it easy to comprehend and reducing the risk of operator error.
SurvalentONE Topology Processor provides utilities with a color-coded understanding of their network topology that automatically updates based on user actions. Topology Processor calculates the energized or de-energized status of line sections using topology data gathered from the distribution network. Feeder-based topology diagrams enable operators to quickly identify the circuits connected to each feeder, resulting in faster restoration of the network during downtime.
With SurvalentONE Topology Processor, users can quickly identify the next upline or downline protective device from the user’s current location, view the total number of downstream customers from any line section, and apply temporary devices (e.g. cuts and jumpers) to their line sections. Utilities that have enabled SurvalentONE Distribution Power Flow can also highlight areas with voltage/current violations.
Utilities can view comprehensive, real-time data on customer counts, phase sections, source feeders, and more – all in the SmartVU interface, making it easy to use, understand and integrate for improved operational efficiencies.